Journal Description

Sibaliparriq: Jurnal Hukum Keluarga dan Literasi Syariah is an academic scientific journal published by the Islamic Family Law Masters Study Program, STAIN Majene, since 2024. This journal is published two times a year in Mei and October. This journal has specifications in family law and sharia literacy as well as the field of law in general. This journal is expected to contribute to academics who study Islamic law, especially in the field of family law, both from the aspects of Islamic law and civil law applicable in Indonesia.

The scope of scientific articles published in this journal is a broad topic in Islamic law and laws that are general and applicable in society. So this journal covers legal studies such as family law, statutory law, jurisprudence, Islamic civil law, dispute resolution, comparative family law, and the modern/contemporary period, criminal law, civil law, customary law, and agrarian law. This journal accepts contributions from researchers from related disciplines.