Feasibility Survey of “Fakir” and “Miskin” on The Program Keluarga Harapan (PKH) and Bantuan Pangan Non Tunai (BPNT): Study of 5 Subdistricts in Boyolali Regency
Fakir, Miskin, Islamic LawAbstract
The Indonesian government has assistance programs for underprivileged families, namely Program Keluarga Harapan (PKH) and Bantuan Pangan Non Tunai (BPNT). In Islam, the poor are included in eight asnaf whose existence is quite a lot. In Islam there is the terminology of “fakir” and “miskin” to describe the word “poor”. This study uses a survey approach which uses the SAGIS application to determine a list of respondents who fall into the category of beneficiaries in five subdistricts in Boyolali Regency. The purpose of this study was to determine the distribution of the fakir and miskin in Islam from the data of Keluarga Penerima Manfaat (KPM) recipients of the Program Keluarga Harapan (PKH) and Bantuan Pangan Non Tunai (BPNT) in five subdistricts in Boyolali Regency. This study covered a total of 785 KPMs who received assistance from the PKH and BPNT in five subdistricts in Boyolali Regency. There were around 209 KPMs or 26.7% can be categorized as fakir. 294 KPMs or 37.4% can be classified as miskin, and the remaining 282 KPMs or 35.9% cannot be categorized as fakir or miskin.
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