Peer Review Process

Mandarras: Journal of Islamic Educational Thought Studies follows a rigorous peer review process to ensure the publication of high-quality, original, and impactful research. The peer review process is designed to evaluate the manuscript’s scientific validity, originality, and contribution to the field of Islamic educational thought. The following steps outline the journal’s peer review process:

1. Initial Manuscript Evaluation

  • Upon submission, the manuscript is initially reviewed by the editorial team to ensure it meets the journal’s scope and basic requirements.
  • Manuscripts that do not meet the journal’s criteria or are not prepared according to the guidelines may be rejected at this stage without external review.

2. Assignment to Reviewers

  • Manuscripts that pass the initial evaluation are assigned to two or more independent experts in the relevant field for double-blind peer review.
  • Reviewers are selected based on their expertise and experience in the subject matter of the manuscript.

3. Double-Blind Review

  • The journal employs a double-blind review process, where both the authors and the reviewers remain anonymous to each other.
  • Reviewers evaluate the manuscript based on criteria such as originality, methodological rigor, significance of findings, clarity of presentation, and adherence to ethical standards.

4. Reviewers’ Reports

  • Reviewers provide detailed reports with constructive feedback and recommendations regarding the manuscript.
  • Reviewers may recommend acceptance, minor revisions, major revisions, or rejection of the manuscript.
  • The reviewers’ reports are shared with the authors, maintaining confidentiality and anonymity.

5. Editorial Decision

  • Based on the reviewers’ reports and recommendations, the editorial team makes a decision regarding the manuscript.
  • The decision may be to accept the manuscript as is, request minor or major revisions, or reject the manuscript.

6. Revision and Resubmission

  • If revisions are required, the authors are given the opportunity to revise their manuscript according to the reviewers’ comments and feedback.
  • Revised manuscripts should be resubmitted within the specified timeframe, accompanied by a detailed response to the reviewers’ comments.

7. Final Evaluation

  • The revised manuscript may be sent back to the original reviewers for further evaluation or assessed by the editorial team.
  • The final decision to accept or reject the manuscript is made by the editorial team based on the revised version and the reviewers’ recommendations.

8. Acceptance and Publication

  • Once accepted, the manuscript undergoes copyediting, typesetting, and proofing before publication.
  • Authors are provided with proofs for final approval before the article is published online and in print.

Ethical Considerations

  • The journal ensures that the peer review process is conducted ethically and transparently.
  • Reviewers are required to disclose any potential conflicts of interest and to treat the manuscript with confidentiality and respect.