El-Fakhru Journal Writing Guidelines

                                                          Types and Contents of Articles

El-Fakhru Journal of Islamic Religious Education is a journal of Islamic religious education that will publish articles on research results, theoretical studies or thoughts/concepts on actual issues of Islamic religious education that have never been published. Articles are typed in 1.15 spaces, A4 paper no more than 18 pages, equipped with the title of the article, the author's name, the name of the institution where he/she works, the official address of the institution where he/she works, and an email address. Manuscripts can be sent no later than one month before publication to the El-Fakhru Journal Manager of the Islamic Religious Education Study Program, Tarbiyah and Keguruan Department of STAIN Majene, Jalan Balai Latihan Kerja Number 17, Deteng-Deteng, Banggae, Majene. Online submission is available at

                                                         Format/Letter Rating

Titles, subtitles, and sub-subtitles in writing are expressed in different fonts and do not use numbers. The typeface used is Cambria Font with Font Size 12.


Rank 2 (Small Uppercase Letters Upright Flat with Left Edge and Blackened)

Rank 3 (small uppercase letters bevelled flush with the left edge and blacked out)

Rank 4 (small uppercase letters are bevelled flush with the left edge and not blackened)

                                                                 Article Criteria


Maximum 14 words in Indonesian or 10 words in English and Arabic, straightforward and interesting.

Author's Name:

Complete with the name and address of the institution where they work, email address for correspondence (main author).


This is a miniature of the content of the entire article including problems, objectives, methods, results, conclusions and suggestions, written in Indonesian and English in a maximum of 150 words.


Contains concepts contained in the article, written in Indonesian and English consisting of 3 to 5 concepts.


This section contains the research problem and is presented explicitly supported by relevant data and facts. The content of the introduction consists of a general description of the problem (variable) under study, showing data related to the problem (variable) under study, a description of the possible causes of the problem, a description of the negative effects if the condition remains, and a description of the general limitations of what is being studied.

Theoretical Concepts:

Contains an attempt to identify relevant and logical theories so that the rationale for the research problem and objectives can be conceptualised for testing and analysis.

Research Methods:

Explains how the research procedure was conducted including research design, population/sample or informants, instruments, and data analysis techniques.

Results and Discussion:

The results contain data analysis equipped with illustrations such as pictures, photos, tables, and graphs. Meanwhile, the discussion contains interpretations of the research results that are linked to theoretical concepts, relevant research results, and theoretical and practical implications. Critical analysis and synthesis are required in the discussion.


Written in essay form, it contains the essence of the combination of results and discussion and is not just a summary.

Reference List:

The reference list is preferably sourced from primary literature such as national and international journals, research results, dissertations, theses, and theses. The references should be up-to-date within the last 10 years, sorted alphabetically and chronologically.

                                            Use of Illustrations in Articles

Manuscripts in the form of research results or thoughts / concepts and have never been published or are not in the process of submitting for publication to other media and do not contain elements of plagiarism.

The plagiarism tolerance limit for articles is a maximum of 40%.

Manuscripts are written in Indonesian/English/Arabic, with the content of the manuscript between 14-18 pages (including text, all tables, and figures, notes, references, and attachments intended for publication). The manuscript is written according to the el-Fakhru journal template using Font-size: Cambria 12, A4 paper size, top margin: 3 cm, bottom: 2.5 cm, left: 2.5 cm, and right: 2 cm. Spacing 1.15 pt.

The manuscript is written sequentially consisting of: Title, Author Name (without title), Author Affiliation (institution and e-mail), Abstract, Keywords, Contents, and Bibliography.

The title should be concise and specific not exceeding 18 words in Indonesian, and 15 words in English/Arabic.

Include the author's name, institutional affiliation, and e-mail address below the title of the article, and the author does not need to include an academic degree.

Abstract is written in English and Bahasa Indonesia consisting of 100-160 words. It contains the background of the problem, objectives, methods, and research results/conclusions. Abstracts are often presented separately from the article, so they should be able to stand alone. Therefore, non-standard or uncommon references and abbreviations should be avoided;

Keywords consist of 2 - 4 words or phrases that reflect the content of the manuscript.

El-Fakhru only accepts electronic (online) submissions. Therefore, authors should log in before submitting their articles. Manuscripts should be submitted through El-Fakhru's online submission with the address

Systematic writing:

Research results, consisting of: Title, Author Name, Author Affiliation (institution and e-mail), Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Research Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusion, Bibliography;

Thought/Conceptual results: Title, Author Name, Author Affiliation (institution and e-mail), Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Contents, Conclusion, Bibliography.

Citations usually only require the author's surname, year of publication, and (sometimes) page number. All works cited should appear in the reference list at the end of the article and be organised alphabetically. All notes should appear in the text as citations (innotes). Reference citation is recommended using a reference manager such as Mendeley or Zotero and others and written with referencing and citing techniques, using the Chicago Style system footnote technique.

Bibliography is written alphabetically by including: author's name, year of publication, title of book/journal/magazine in italics, city of publication, and name of publisher. The list of references and references is a list of recent literature with a minimum of 40% references from journals or scientific research that are interrelated, above 2011. The number of references in the bibliography should be at least 15.


The submitted article uses the following transliteration:

For words that have madd (length), the formulation below is used:

 ا  = a

خ = kh

ش = sy

غ = gh

ن = n

ب = b

د = d

ص = sh

ف = f

و = w

ت = t

ذ = dz

ض = dh

ق = q

ه = h

ث = ts

ر = r

ط = th

ك = k

ء = ’

ج = j

ز = z

ظ = zh

ل = l

 ي = ya

ح = h

س = s

ع = ‘

  م = m


â = a panjang, seperti, al-islâmiyah
î = i panjang, seperti, al-`aqîdah wa al-syarî`ah
û = u panjang, seperti al-dustûr

Guidelines for Writing a Reference List

Writing a reference list in El-Fakhru Journal uses the MLA (Modern Language Association) pattern. Example:

Kitab Suci Al-Qur’an
Departemen Agama RI. Al-Qur’an dan Terjemahannya. Bandung: Darus Sunnah, 2015.

Al-Abrasyi, M. ‘Athiyah. Prinsip-prinsip Dasar Pendidikan Islam. Bandung: Pustaka Setia, 2003.

Al-Rasydin, dan Ja’far. Filsafat Ilmu dalam Tradisi Islam. Medan: Perdana Publishing, 2015.

Harahap, Musaddad. "Refleksi Dinamika Kebebasan Akademis dalam Pendidikan Islam." Jurnal Pendidikan Agama Islam Al-Thariqah 1.1 (2017): 87-103.

Harahap, Musaddad, dan Lina Mayasari Siregar. "Rekontekstualisasi Sejarah: Kontribusi Lembaga Pendidikan Islam terhadap Dakwah Rasulullah SAW." Jurnal Pendidikan Agama Islam (Journal of Islamic Education Studies) 5.2 (2017): 288-308.

Ahmad, Muhammad Yusuf. Model Kepemimpinan Kepala MTs. dalam Meningkatkan Mutu Pendidikan di Kota Pekanbaru. Disertasi, UIN Suska Riau, 2018.