The Use of Jargons of Clash of Clans Game by Makassarese Teenagers
Jargon, Clash of Clans, TeenagersAbstract
Online Games are popular for Indonesian teenagers, and one of them is the Clash of Clans (COC). Each
online game has specific terms. Those are known as jargon. This study is aimed to find jargons of Clash of
Clans used by teenagers. It is qualitative research using a descriptive method. The result shows that there
are seventeen jargons used by three teenagers. They are Archer Troops, Barbarian Troops, Wall Level 3,
Wall Level 1, Town Hall 3 Starts, Mortar, Golem, Hogs, Wars, Builder, Hidden Tesla, Clan Castle, Giant,
Healer, and Elixir. Those jargons are used in other contexts, out of that online game. the players use this
jargon language by considering the things in real life with all of the things in Clash of Clans. So the jargon
language from the game is accidentally said by teenagers in their real-life context.
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