The Correlation between Students’ Self-Confidence and Speaking Performance
Correlation, Self Confidence, Speaking PerformanceAbstract
The research aims to examine the correlation between students’ self-confidence and speaking
performance in SMAN EX Palopo. The researcher implemented quantitative as the research design
because the data in this research was correlation design. The sample of this research consist of students
MIA 1, MIA 2, MIA 3. The researcher took five samples from each class. The researcher used the
students score from spoken test to categorize as samples of this research. To collect the data, the
researcher employed two kinds instrument, such as: Speaking Test and questioners. The result of
correlation analysis shows that there is no correlation between students’ self-confidence and speaking
performance in SMAN EX Palopo. It proofed from p-value (0.088) is higher than α (0.05). Therefore H0 is
accepted and H1 is rejected
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