Improving the Students’ Reading Comprehension by Using Think Talk Write (TTW)
Reading Comprehension, KKM, Think Talk WriteAbstract
This research was designed to improve the students` reading comprehension through Think Talk
Write at the first-grade students of SMKN 1 Lasusua. The research problem was “The reading
comprehension of the first- grade students of SMKN 1 Lasusua is low”. The design of this research
was collaborative Classroom Action Research (CAR).In this research, there were two cycles. The
first cycle was not success because the result of the students’ test did not fulfill the KKM, so there
was the next cycle. The second cycle was success because the result of the student test achieved
the KKM mandatory by the school. In addition, this research must get score of 70 to fulfill the
Minimum Mastery Criterion – Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal (KKM). It could be seen in the average
score, it was 68.6 in the first cycle, and there were only 17 students from 35 students got greater
score than or equal 70. This score increased to be 74.77 in the second cycle, there were 26 from 35
students got score greater than or equal 70. It means that this research was successful. Based on
the findings, the conclusion is Think Talk Write strategy could improve the students` comprehension
in reading at the first-grade students of SMKN 1 Lasusua
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