Using English Movie with Delay and Non Delay Subtitle to Improve Listening Skill
Watching, Listening, English MoviesAbstract
The aim of the study was to analyze and describe the process of improving students’ listening
skill for eleventh grade students of MAN 1 Majene, West Sulawesi Province through watching
English movies. The subject of this research is XI Agama 2 Class that consisted of 16 students. The
method used in this study is Classroom Action Research (CAR) which the writer works
collaboratively with the English teacher. The results in this study indicate that there was
improvement of the students’ skill listening. Most of the students gradually gained good scores at the
end of the cycle. The data were collected from a questionnaire, observation note of performance,
pre-test and post-test. The study was conducted with cycle model through the steps of planning,
conducting, observation, and reflection. The results of this study show a significant relationship
between students' learning by English movie with delay subtitle related to their listening skills as
shown in their improvement of post-test and positive responses of students than English movie
with not delay. The questionnaire shows that more than 75% students felt easy to understand
listening materials from native speakers. Consequently, it was suggested that teaching learning
process using English movie with English subtitle is recommended into learning process to
improve students' listening skills in English language classroom. In conclusion, watching English
movie can improve students listening skill.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Amal Muh. Ikhlasul, Syahdan Syahdan, Pandi Risal, M Halid, Arialdi Arialdi

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