Metodologi Pembelajaran PAI
Metode Drill, Hafalan, Doa WudhuAbstract
The aim of writing this article is to describe how the drill method is implemented at MTsN 2 Majene Class IX D. This research uses qualitative research methods; research through observation and library research (library search). The stages of implementing the drill method at MTsN 2 Majene are the preparation stage, implementation stage and evaluation stage.This research explains the application of the drill method at MTsN 2 Majene Class IX. The stages of implementing the drill method at MTsN 2 Majene are the preparation stage, implementation stage and evaluation stage. The results of the research show that although not all students can remember memorization rules well, the practice method has quite a big influence on students' memorization results. The strength of the drill method is that students in PAI learning will have a broader understanding because the exercises are carried out repeatedly and teachers can easily organize and differentiate between students who are disciplined in learning and those who are not by paying attention to students' actions and behavior during class. Meanwhile, the weakness of the drill method is that it can kill students' creativity and make students feel bored with the teaching material that they study repeatedly.
Keywords: Drill Method, Memorization, Ablution Prayer
Penulisan artikel ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan bagaimana penerapan metode drill di MTsN 2 Majene Kelas IX D. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif; penelitian melalui observasi dan penelitian kepustakaan studi (library search). Tahapan pelaksanaan metode drill di MTsN 2 Majene adalah tahap persiapan, tahap pelaksanaan, dan tahap evaluasi.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa meskipun tidak semua siswa dapat mengingat kaidah hafalan dengan baik, namun metode latihan memberikan pengaruh yang cukup besar terhadap hasil hafalan siswa. Kekuatan metode drill , peserta didik dalam pembelajaran PAI akan memiliki pemahaman yang lebih luas karena latihan yang dilakukan secara berulang dan guru dapat mudah mengatur dan membedakan siswa yang disiplin belajar dan yang tidak dengan memperhatikan tindakan dan perilaku siswa selama di kelas. Sedangkan Kelemahan dari metode drill adalah dapat mematikan kreasi peserta didik, dan membuat siswa merasa jenuh dengan materi ajar yang berulang-ulang dipelajarinya.
Kata Kunci: Metode Drill, Hafalan, Doa Wudhu