Nur Journal Systems<p><strong>Pappasang</strong> is a journal published by Department of the Qur'anic Studies and Tafseer, Faculty of Usuluddin, Adab and Dakwah (UAD), STAIN Majene. The journal is published twice annually (June and Desember) to encourage and promote the study of the Quran-Hadith and Islam and Contemporary Thought, was designed to facilitate and take the scientific work of researchers, lecturers, students, practitioner and etc. into dialogueand.</p> <p><strong>Focus</strong> : to provide readers with a better understanding of Islamic Studies and present developments through the publication of articles and book reviews</p> <p><strong>Scopes </strong>: a journal concern on Quran and Hadith Studies such as the Living Qur’an, the Qur’an and Social Culture, thoughts of figures about the Qur'anic Studies, the Exegesis Studies and etc.; Similarly, matters relating to the Hadith, the Hadith Studies, Living Hadith, Hadith and Social Culture, thoughts of figures about hadith and etc.; Islam and Contemporary Thought; Islamic Philosophy</p> Teks dan Realitas: Analisis Interpretasi Kuntowijoyo terhadap Konsep The Chosen People dalam QS Ali Imran/3:1102024-11-25T02:19:18+00:00Muhammad Dirman Ilham Usmanilhamusman1983@gmail.comAnugrah<p>The concept of “<em>The Chosen People</em>” in Islam, as reflected in Surah Ali Imran 3:110, has long been a subject of theological discourse. However, contemporary interpretations of this concept, especially in the context of plural societies, remain underexplored. This research examines Kuntowijoyo's progressive exegesis of Surah Ali Imran 3:110, focusing on the reconceptualization of “<em>The Chosen People</em>” within the framework of modern Indonesia. Employing a qualitative methodology with a critical hermeneutic approach, this study analyzes Kuntowijoyo’s works and situates them within a quasi-objectivist progressive exegesis framework. The main findings reveal that Kuntowijoyo transforms the concept “<em>The Chosen People</em>” from an exclusive understanding into a universal ethical mandate, operationalized through three pillars: humanization (<em>amar ma’ruf</em>), liberation (<em>nahi munkar</em>), and transcendence (<em>tu’minuna billah</em>). Further analysis suggests that this interpretation offers a new paradigm for understanding the role of Muslims in plural societies, with significant implications for socio-religious activism and interfaith dialogue. This study contributes to the literature on contemporary Quranic hermeneutics and the sociology of religion, while highlighting the potential of progressive exegesis to bridge the gap between classical religious doctrine and modern social realities. The research also opens avenues for further exploration of the actualization of Quranic values in the context of a global multicultural society.</p>2024-12-24T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 PAPPASANG Physical Touch of The Rasulullah saw to Aisyah bint Abū Bakr r.a. In The Light of The Hadith2024-12-03T05:11:27+00:00Mochamad Varendysupriyozuliati11@gmail.comDakhirotul<p>This study aims to determine the forms of physical touch carried out by Rasulullah ﷺ towards Aisyah bint Abu Bakar r.a, while fasting. The research method is literature study, the data sources obtained come from articles, books, and other readings. The result of the analysis in this study is that the physical touch carried out by the Messenger of Allah in the form of kissing aisyah r.a in a state of fasting according to the oendaoat of imam shafi'i is permissible, because the apostle of Allah once did it, but it becomes makruh for someone who cannot hold his lust, in the hadith narrated by aisyah r.a when it happened she smiled because she felt the tenderness and romance carried out by the Rasulullah.</p>2024-12-24T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 PAPPASANG Sanad al-Qur’an: Implementasi Pemberian Sanad al-Qur’an di Pondok Pesantren Qiraatus Sab’ah Kudang Garut2024-11-25T05:04:17+00:00Aldi Nurdinnurdinaldi22@gmail.comYayan<p>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis jalur sanad dan implementasi pemberian sanad al-Qur’an yang terdapat di Pondok Pesantren Qira’atus Sab’ah Kudang. Menimbang bahwa mempelajari dan mengetahui sanad al-Qur’an merupakan hal penting sekaligus sebagai bentuk pelestarian tradisi keilmuan Islam. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif yang pengumpulan datanya melalui observasi wawancara dan dokumentasi dengan teknik analisis deskriptif. Hasil penelitian ini menemukan bahwa sanad al-Qur’an di Pesantren Kudang berasal dari Syekh Siraj al-Makki yang mempunyai sanad al-Qur’an dari Syekh at-Tiji al-Madani dan bersambung sampai kepada Rasulallah Saw. Kemudian metode pembelajaran qiraatus sab’ah yang terdapat di Pesantren Kudang yaitu melaui dua metode diantaranya Ifrad al-Qiraah dan Jama’. Sedangkan dari sisi metode pengimplementasian pemberian sanad terdapat dua istilah ijazah yaitu ijazah ‘<em>A<m</em> dan <em>Kha>s}</em> dengan berdasarkan ‘<em>Arad} wa sima>’an</em> fi qiraat al-Sab’ah dan Bi ba’dh al-Qur’an.</p>2024-12-24T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 PAPPASANG Ex-Nihilo dalam al-Qur’an Sebagai Sebuah Landasan Teoritis Penciptaan Alam Semesta2024-12-03T05:31:46+00:00Muhammad Rezky Pratama Lahidanirwanamukmin030599@gmail.comAchmad<p>Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan untuk mengungkap sebuah ide gagasan dari seorang ulama terkemuka yang bernama Fakhruddin Al-Razi di dalam al-Qur’an terkait pemikirannya terhadap penciptaan alam semesta. Ide dan gagasannya tersebut dinamakan sebagai sebuah konsep <em>ex-nihilo</em> (sebuah teori penciptaan yang berasal dari ketiadaan). Metode peneilitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif <em>Library reseach</em> studi pustaka dengan modela kajian tematik tokoh. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan, bahwa konsep <em>ex-nihilo </em>yang digagas oleh Fakhruddin Al-Razi memang sejalan dengan semangat dan spirit al-Qur’an, bahwa alam semesta berasal dari sebuah ketiadaan kemudian diadakan oleh Allah Swt. Temuan ini juga memberikan sebuah implikasi penting bahwa konsep <em>ex-nihilo</em> adalah sebuah gagasan dan ide ilmiah sebagai ilmu pengetahuan sainstik yang mampu menjawab tentang hakikat dari penciptaan alam semesta.</p> <p> </p>2024-12-24T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 PAPPASANG Peradaban Profetik Masa Rasulullah saw; Periode Makkah dan Madinah2024-12-03T05:02:39+00:00Tahnia Basrahtahniabasrah@gmail.comMutiara Ramdhani<p><em>The peak of prophetic civilization in Islamic history was reached during the leadership of the Prophet Muhammad SAW in the Mecca and Medina periods. The Mecca period was an early milestone in Islamic preaching which was marked by a heavy struggle against the oppression of the Quraysh. The migration to Medina marked a new chapter in the development of Islam. In Medina, Rasulullah SAW built a just and harmonious Islamic society. This article describes the development of prophetic civilization during the time of the Prophet Muhammad. in the Mecca and Medina periods. The method used in this research is descriptive analysis by referring to library sources, such as books, journals, historical books and articles related to the title of this article. The results of the research show that in the Mecca period the Prophet carried out more civilization related to faith and in Medina it was more developed and could be said to be the peak of civilization during the time of the Prophet.</em></p> <p>Puncak peradaban profetik dalam sejarah Islam tercapai pada masa kepemimpinan Nabi Muhammad SAW di periode Makkah dan Madinah. Periode Makkah menjadi tonggak awal dakwah Islam yang diwarnai dengan perjuangan berat menghadapi penindasan kaum Quraisy. Hijrah ke Madinah menandai babak baru dalam perkembangan Islam. Di Madinah, Rasulullah SAW membangun tatanan masyarakat Islam yang adil dan harmonis. Artikel ini memaparkan perkembangan peradaban profetik pada masa Rasulullah saw. pada periode Makkah dan Madinah. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis deskriptif dengan merujuk pada sumber pustaka, seperti buku-buku, jurnal, kitab-kitab sejarah serta artikel yang berkaitan dengan judul artikel ini. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Pada periode Makkah Rasulullah lebih banyak melakukan peradaban terkait akidah dan di Madinah sudah lebih berkembang dan bisa dikatakan sebagai puncak peradaban pada masa Rasulullah saw.</p>2024-12-24T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 PAPPASANG Konsep Halal: Analisis Semantik Kata Ḥalāl dalam Wawasan al-Qur’an2024-12-03T05:06:40+00:00Ahmad Fadhli<p><em>This paper departs from the basic assumption that the use of the concept of halal in people's lives today has misconceptions and reductions in meaning and ignores its ethical aspects. The urgency of this research is to try to provide a fundamental and paradigmatic meaning of the word </em><em>ḥ</em><em>al</em><em>ā</em><em>l so that it becomes a conceptual basis when used in various aspects of life, such as halal food, halal medicines, halal cosmetics, halal tourism, and halal ecosystems. By using a semantic approach, this research will examine the original meaning, relational meaning, and semantic field generated by the words </em><em>ḥ</em><em>al</em><em>ā</em><em>l and words that are similar to the verb </em><em>ḥ</em><em>-l-l in the Qur'an.</em></p> <p>Tulisan ini berangkat dari asumsi dasar bahwa penggunaan konsep halal dalam kehidupan masyarakat saat ini memiliki miskonsepsi dan reduksi makna serta mengabaikan aspek-aspek etisnya. Urgensi penelitian ini adalah berusaha memberikan pemaknaan kata ḥalāl secara fundamental dan paradigmatis agar menjadi dasar konseptual ketika digunakan dalam berbagai aspek kehidupan, seperti makanan halal, obat-obatan halal, kosmetik halal, wisata halal, dan ekosistem halal. Dengan menggunakan pendekatan semantik, penelitian ini akan mengkaji makna dasar (original meaning), makna relasional (relational meaning), dan medan semantik (semantic field) yang ditimbulkan oleh kata-kata ḥalāl serta kata-kata yang seakar dari verba ḥ-l-l dalam Al-Qur’an.</p>2024-12-24T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 PAPPASANG Pemikiran Fazlur Rahman tentang Rekonstruksi Metode Tafsir Kontemporer 2024-12-03T05:20:26+00:00Fiki Oktama<p><em>The classical-modern exegetical method is considered to have failed in understanding the Koran, so that this method is no longer considered relevant and a solution in the current context. In this research the author used a descriptive analysis method. This journal discusses Fazlur Rahman's discourse in reconstructing interpretive methods. By exploring Fazlur Rahman's views on classical and modern exegetical methods. Rahman views that classical exegetical methods provide fragmented, not comprehensive understanding and are guided by the literal text of the Koran, and are ideological. The same thing also happens to modern interpretive methods which still provide partial understanding and tend to be historical in nature. Fazlur Rahman is present as a figure who is determined to reconstruct the interpretation method using hermeneutics. Hermeneutic theory is believed to provide a comprehensive understanding and pay attention to the relationship between text and context. The emergence of the double movement theory is an integration of hermeneutics with traditional interpretive theory.</em></p> <p>Metode tafsir klasik-modern dianggap telah gagal dalam memahami al-Qur’an, sehingga metode tersebut dianggap tidak lagi relevan dan solutif dengan konteks kekinian. Dalam penelitian ini penulis menggunakan metode analisis-deskriptif. Artikel ini membahas tentang wacana Fazlur Rahman dalam merekonstruksi metode tafsir. Dengan cara mengekplorasi pandangan Fazlur Rahman terhadap metode tafsir klasik dan modern. Rahman memandang metode tafsir klasik memberikan pemahaman yang terpotong-potong, tidak komprehensif dan berpedoman kepada literal teks al-Qur’an, bersifat ideologis. Hal yang sama juga terjadi terhadap metode tafsir modern masih memberikan pemahaman parsial dan cendrung bersifat a historis. Fazlur Rahman hadir sebagai tokoh yang bertekad untuk melakukan rekonstruksi terhadap metode tafsir menggunakan hermeneutika. Teori hermeneutika diyakini dapat menyajikan pemahaman komprehensif dan memperhatikan hubungan antara teks dengan konteks. Munculnya teori double movement merupakan integrasi dari hermeneutika dengan teori tafsir tradisional.</p>2024-12-24T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 PAPPASANG